Thursday, December 20, 2012

End of the Year Reflection

Hi Friends!

This will be our last post for 2012. Hope everyone has had a wonderful year, and we'll see you with new adventures in 2013!

As with every end of the year, we'd like to take stock of everything that's happened within the last year and reflect/ appreciate/ and celebrate the challenges and growth it took for us to be here today.  We also want to share with you our dreams and goals/themes for the next year.

Seal's accomplishments:
  • Worked on 3 films: a feature film, a cg animated short, and a live action short that involved giant green screens and riding a fast moving contraption down Embarcadero.
  • Skyace Wasteland (personal graphic novel/ animation) 1st chapter written
  • The Daughter and the Ogre (graphic novel) full story written & storyboarded
  • Learned incorporating Gouache & Watercolor in concept art
  • Painted 3 colorscripts
  • Gallery Show in March: Rusted Souls at 1AM
  • New painting techniques experimented with since July, finally came to fruition in December.

Monkey's accomplishments:
  • Dark Wizard's One-Stop Shop new concept/ story
  • Big Umbrella Studios reaches its 2 years with current owners
  • Design and printed for Facebook.
  • Invited to speak at Alumni Artist/Freelancer Panel
  • Story Collection: White Mask, (list, etc).
  • Learned how to paint on windows
  • Invited to live-paint at RAW SF. twice!
  • Revamped website and integrated blog

Monkey + Seal's accomplishments
  • Our very first out of state show among out heroes and legends at Spectrum Live! in Kansas City, Missouri
  • Our very first out of city show in Sacramento
  • J-Pop Show (July at Big Umbrella Studios)
  • New Tshirt Design "Not Bad, Just Different"
  • Taught drawing class to artists/ designers from Apple, Inc.
  • Both of us were invited to live paint for Hyphen magazine's 10 year anniversary
  • upgraded display with new IKEA tie racks
  • Broke our personal records at every show this year: Zinefest, A.P.E., and BazBiz Holiday Show
  • Started showcasing originals at live craft shows
  • Protested city college's closing of Fort Mason campus

While we've had a lot of great accomplishments, we've also had our share of trials and tribulations as well.  Over 2012 we've dealt with fights with colleagues, deaths in the family, financial strain, and countless bouts of self-doubt, fear, procrastination, and other self-destructive behavior.  Regardless, we count ourselves extremely lucky that we're able to continue to do what we love to do, and that we can continue to support and inspire other artists to do the same.

We've recently realized that instead of focusing on single goals (single markers of accomplishment that will always be surpassed), we should instead be focusing on themes (ongoing processes that are enjoyable and that bring you happiness).

Our Themes for 2013:
Monkey: "I will create more personal work and put more of my artwork and vision into the world. I want to find and cultivate a larger audience for my dark/horror inspired art and to somehow give back to my community of artists."

Seal: "I will continue story development for films and concept art with my awesome team. I'll develop more personal work/ direction (ie. graphic novel/ story writing/ painting series) and will cultivate the art community. I also will find more inspiring people and projects to work on."

Instead of making New Year's Resolutions, we'd like to encourage you to choose a theme that you'd like to pursue.  Instead of "draw everyday" (which, if you miss a single day, you feel guilty about breaking your commitment and you give up), think about "be sustainably more creative."  Instead of "I want a million dollars," think "I will create a source or sources of income that will allow me to sustainably grow my standard of living."  Goals are finite, and if you reach them, you have to make new goals.  Themes, on the other hand, are larger pursuits which will find you achieving your goals along the way.

So if you have any suggestions or ideas that could help us along with our themes, we'd love to hear from you.  And we'd love to hear some themes that you're thinking of taking up in 2013.  By taking the leap and putting it down in the comments, you're much more likely to follow through.  Let's make 2013 our year to shine!

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