Hugh Ferriss created his pieces on 18x24" drawing paper by using charcoal. He achieved the high contrast in values by toning his paper, lifting out the lights, and adding the darks.
In Seal's piece, she first spends time researching her materials; it can take anywhere from 1-5 hours. Often she works with a vague idea. In this case, she wanted to draw the front of a theatre-type building with some gothic gargoyles looming. She first created 5-10 small thumbnails no more than 1.5" wide to work out composition and perspective in graphite pencil. Generally the by the third one, the thumbnail is good and useable. She then works larger and draws a rough sketch in graphite. The sketch is then refined into the final line drawing (above). The next process is to do value studies in marker. Seal likes to use French Grey Prismacolor set #10, 40, 70, and 90. Seal has done one value study so far. She generally groups values into two: darks or lights (light source & shadows). Eventhough Seal loves color, details and color comes at the very last.