When Monkey first saw the letterpress designs for wedding invitations by Elum, he was immediately smitten, and wanted a copy of all of the designs. His favorites are the Poster suite, and Butterfly Drift, which are shown immediately below.

Really, the Butterfly Drift invitation is even more ridiculously stunning, but I will say that it is a bit annoying to have to download all the pdfs to see the entire suites, but if you have the time and patience, it's worth it. Really though, seeing them online is nothing to getting to see the actual cards in person, so if your friendly neighborhood wedding invitation retailers sells Elum, check them out! They're not completely over-the-top expensive, but a 2-color card and unprinted envelope will easily run you $700+ for a quantity of 100, so they're not cheap either.
Dutch Door Press, run by the fabulous Mara and Anna, is a cute little letterpress shop in the Haight specializes in (you guessed it) whimsical designs with a very Dutch feel.

While, like with Elum, you're also going to pay for their premium designs, they are extremely friendly to work with and are great printers. They have a good selection of designs, and if you aren't into some of the color choices (some are just not my bag), if you go to their wedding gallery and select a design you like, there are multiple color ways you can see, and a handy-dandy pricing calculator that works wonders. Very nice, ladies!

Whew, so that wraps up Day 1 of the wedding invite series. We hope you'll join us again on Wednesday for part 2!
Very lovely. Cant' wait to look up DutchDoor next time i'm in the Haight.
For the best invitation printing in Gardena choose Printing Graphics!
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