Bella Figura is one of two (the other being Smock) wedding invitation companies that has stemmed from the ever famous (at least among letterpress printers) Boxcar Press. They are super eco-friendly, and are based in Syracuse, New York.

To be perfectly honest, I was a bit pissed off when I first went to their site, as they have the classic man and woman bathroom icons made into same-sex wedding invitations (I also had that idea for Little Yeti, and will just have to do it differently).

Their design sense is really strong, and they take some of the repeating themes seen in wedding invitations and spice it up a bit. Their use of color is also pretty boss, and overall, they're just a damn good shop.

Finally, I'll close off the week with custom design superstar, Cici New York. Let me say this right now- when it's time to print my own wedding invitations, I'm sure as hell designing them myself (with my lovely fiance'), as there is really no good excuse for a visual artist not to design their own invites. However, if there was a designer that I would trust to do a frickin' amazing job, it would be Cici (well, maybe Camille Rose Garcia, Tara McPherson, or Tomer Hanuka, but they don't usually do weddings like Cici does..). Anyway, I'll stop gushing and just say that if you have a large budget for wedding invitations, and want totally custom awesomeness (and don't want to go through Little Yeti), Cici is the way to go. I'll stop talking and just show you all the eye candy.

Thanks for stopping by during wedding invitation week! I hope you enjoyed taking a look at some of my personal inspiration for when I design wedding invitations, and be sure to check out all the different sites!
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