Monday, August 31, 2009

Illustration Friday (on a Monday)

For everyone who loves art but doesn't know about Illustration Friday, you should definitely go check it out. It's an online community that takes a no-pressure, supportive take on creating art. Every Friday, the organizers send out an email (or publish on the site) a new, single-word topic that artists all over the world can illustrate. They have one week, and can (at no cost or obligation) submit their link to a blog or something that hosts their image. Artists submit thumbnails, and you can browse galleries to see all the myriad of interpretations people can have for themes like "Wrapped," "Contagious," and "Unfold."

Monkey does his best to participate weekly (although often he ends up being a week late), but you can find his entries at his personal blog Politics Art Culture. Monkey is currently working to catch up on last week's topic (Caution) as well as the current topic (Magnify), but his response to "Wrapped" is up.

Anyhoo, you should definitely check out Illustration Friday as there is a whole global community of awesome artists (from students to hobbyists to professionals) out there!

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